10 tips for non-profit organizations to raise money via SMS

With the ever-increasing popularity of text messaging as a communication tool, nonprofits have an opportunity to capitalize on its fundraising potential. We have prepared 10 tips for you that will help you achieve immediate results.

  1. Build a strong donor base

In order for non-profit organizations to achieve immediate results from SMS donations, it is first necessary to develop a strong base of regular donors. Actively promote the possibility of signing up for SMS messages through various channels, whether it is social networks, e-mailing, website pop-up windows. Encourage your future donors by sending them exclusive content and regularly letting them know how donation SMS is helping.

2. Segment and tailor your message

Segmentation and personalization are key to effective donor engagement. Segment your customer base into groups based on their interest, engagement history with your company, or demographics. Create tailored messages that resonate with each segment and drive engagement and loyalty with your company.

3. Use clear and compelling calls to action

SMS messages should contain short and clear calls to action (CTA). Thanks to these challenges, you will get immediate reactions. Be clear about the main message and what action you want the recipient to take, whether it’s donating, attending an event, or sharing the message with others.

4. Take advantage of the campaign with SMS donations

Donor SMS has revolutionized nonprofit fundraising. Include donor SMS in your communication strategy. This allows donors to donate immediately with a simple text message. Use a combination of keyword and short code that donors can send via SMS.

5. Tell stories

Telling stories that contain emotion can be a powerful motivator for immediate action. Share compelling stories, testimonials or case studies that show how donation SMS helps. Create positive emotions and increase the loyalty of your donors so that giving money via SMS has a real effect.

6. Create a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can significantly affect the rate at which donations are collected. Use a limited-time campaign to motivate donors to act quickly.

7. Time your SMS sending correctly

SMS messages should be short and attention-grabbing. Create short SMS messages through which you can quickly get to the heart of the matter. In addition to a concise message, consider timing your messages so that they reach potential donors at a time when they are most likely to engage. For example, in the early evening or on weekends.

8. Provide feedback

Donors want to immediately see the impact of their financial contributions. Update them regularly and show them the impact their donations are having. Share videos, photos, stories to convey tangible results.

9. Use social networks

Harness the power of social media by encouraging your followers and supporters to share your stories and with them the opportunity to engage in donation via SMS.

10. Analyze and optimize

Regularly analyze the performance of text campaigns and identify areas for possible improvement. Track metrics like delivery rate, response rate, or donation amount. This will give you an overview of what strategies are working and what adjustments need to be made. Continually adapt and optimize your messaging approach based on data-driven insights.

Text messaging is a powerful tool that helps nonprofits achieve immediate fundraising results. By implementing our tips, nonprofits can harness the full potential of text messaging to engage donors via SMS. Take advantage of the power and availability of text SMS and try GoSMS.